I have to get this off my chest…

Even if it ruffles some feathers.

Ok, here’s the story…

A few years ago, when I was getting started in my online business journey…

I ran into a problem…

Everytime I wanted to sell something I needed:

- Images to promote the product/service
- Video ads that get people interested
- Logos and social media posts

It was like I just spent weeks of my life creating a new website, a new course or offer…

But that was only like 50% of the work!

The rest was creating all these assets, images and videos.


I don't know if you can relate…

But what do I do?

I use Adobe like everyone else…

Photoshop and Premiere Pro mainly.

I forked out for the monthly subscription because I didn’t know any different…


This is what normal business owners do right? Invest in tools

But I JUST checked my bank statements…

And over the last 3 years… (Get this)

I have spent $3,239.64 USD on my Adobe subscription!

Click  Here to check out all the details for yourself >>